Blue Gold Gala

One of the long endearing traditions of Fairfield High School is the success of its athletic programs. Every year, hundreds of local teens are impacted by the experiences and people associated with these sports. This impact leads to the formation of young adults who have learned the value of character, responsibility, work ethic, attitude, fortitude and wisdom.

On Saturday, Nov. 4, 2023, the Fairfield High School Alumni Association is planning the fifth annual Blue & Gold Gala, which will benefit all of the athletic programs of Fairfield High School.

The gala will take place at the Smoker Craft Sales Building in New Paris.

The evening will begin with games and drinks at 5:30 p.m. along with the opening of the silent auction. The dinner buffet will be open from 6:30-7:30, followed by the start of the live auction. Games and raffles continue throughout the evening. 

Sponsorship levels and what is included for this year are:

BLUE LEVEL - $1000 includes table for eight, half-page ad in the program, meal and complimentary drinks throughout the evening.

If unable to attend, but would like to donate or advertise in the program, a half-page advertisement is $500; quarter-page advertisement $250. The donation is tax deductible through Fairfield High School Alumni Association, a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit organization.

Checks should be made payable to: FHS Alumni Association. Charitable receipts will be provided to all donors. Please mail checks to FHS Alumni Association, PO Box 84, New Paris, IN 46553

For those wishing to attend, please RSVP by Sept. 29 by emailing Brian Willard at